Eastern Lightning-Kingdom Praise Musical Drama

Eastern Lightning-Kingdom Praise Musical Drama


Jul 27, 2018

God Will Restore the Former State of Creation

Praise, Jehovah,Life,truth,salvation

With His words going deep,
God watches the universe.
All creations are made new
based on the words of God.
Heaven's changing, earth is too,
man is showing what he really is.
When God created the world,
all things were after their kind,
so was everything with a visible form.
When God's management
is close to the end,
God will restore things to
what they were at the creation.
Little by little, step by step,
men are sorted to their kind,
return to families they belong to.
God's delighted because of this.
There's nothing that can disturb Him.
God's great work ends
before it's known.
Before all things are aware,
they have all been changed.
Little by little, step by step,
men are sorted to their kind.

God will restore the former state
of all things at the creation.
He causes everything fully changed,
brings everything back into His plan.
Now, the time has come!
The end of God's last plan is at hand.
You unclean, filthy old world,
shall fall under God's word,
shall be reduced to nothingness
because of the plan of God!
All things created by God,
shall gain a new life in His word,
have a Sovereign Lord!
You sanctified new world,
shall come to life in the glory of God.
Mount of Zion, stop your silence.
God has returned in victory!
He is watching over all lands,
among all creations.
Mankind has begun
a new life on earth,
having a brand new hope.
Little by little, step by step,
men are sorted to their kind.
People of God!
Will you not revive in God's light?
Will you not jump and laugh for joy
under the leading and guiding of God?
The lands and waters
cheer and laugh.
Israel that's come back to life!
Will you not feel proud
for being preordained by God?
Who's once wept?
Who's once wailed?
Israel of old has ceased to exist.
Israel of today has risen in the world.
It's stood up in all people's hearts.
It gets the source of life
through people of God.
Hateful Egypt!
Will you still be against God?
How can you escape His chastisement
because of mercy of God?
He who's loved by God
shall live forever.
He who goes against God
shall be punished forever.
For God is a jealous God,
He never
lets go of people's deeds easily.
God searches all lands.
With righteousness and majesty,
with wrath and chastising,
He appears in the East of the world,
to reveal Himself
to all people on earth!
Little by little, step by step,
men are sorted to their kind,
return to families they belong to.
God's delighted because of this.
There's nothing that can disturb Him.
God's great work ends
before it's known.
Before all things are aware,
they have all been changed.
Little by little, step by step,
men are sorted to their kind.
from "The Twenty-sixth Utterance" of God's Utterances to the Entire Universe in The Word Appears in the Flesh
My understanding:
After listening to this Hymn, I am moved. God’s love is so great and selfless. Although Adam and Eve  transgressed, God still showed concern and cared for them. God’s love for man is completely shown to us. God’s grace and blessing are bestowed upon each of us selflessly. This is God’s love and salvation.What God does is all for man.