Eastern Lightning-Kingdom Praise Musical Drama

Eastern Lightning-Kingdom Praise Musical Drama


Showing posts with label obeys God. Show all posts
Showing posts with label obeys God. Show all posts

Mar 5, 2019

July 10, 2018 – James 2:9

  For the turning away of the simple shall slay them, and the prosperity of fools shall destroy them.

- Proverbs 1:32

Bible,The Church of Almighty God,Judgment,worship,Holy Spirit

            Thoughts on Today’s Verse…

  It can be seen from this verse that God doesn’t hope we judge people by appearance. But in reality, when we deal with people, we tend to judge and treat people by their appearance. If one is good-looking with charm, influence and power, we will look up to him. If he is plain-looking and comes from a deprived background, we will look down upon him. Obviously, treating people in this way has deviated from the instructions of the Bible and contradicted the will of the Lord. Then How does God treat man? God’s words say: “I often say that God looks within people’s hearts, and people look at people’s exteriors. Because God looks within people’s hearts, He understands their substance, whereas people define other people’s substance based on their exterior.” “What does God look at in a person? God looks at a person’s heart. All of a person’s behavior is controlled by his heart. If your heart is honest, then you have good humanity and can gradually understand truth, and when you understand a certain amount of truth you can satisfy God’s requirements and be considerate of God’s intention.

  God’s words tell us that God looks at whether a person’s heart can love God, whether his heart is honest, whether this heart fears God and obeys God. So we should judge people, as well as ourselves by God’s words. Only practicing in this way is after God’s heart.

Feb 25, 2019

July 10, 2018 – James 2:9

  For the turning away of the simple shall slay them, and the prosperity of fools shall destroy them.

- Proverbs 1:32

believe in God,Bible,The Church of Almighty God,the truth,life

  Thoughts on Today’s Verse…

  It can be seen from this verse that God doesn’t hope we judge people by appearance. But in reality, when we deal with people, we tend to judge and treat people by their appearance. If one is good-looking with charm, influence and power, we will look up to him. If he is plain-looking and comes from a deprived background, we will look down upon him. Obviously, treating people in this way has deviated from the instructions of the Bible and contradicted the will of the Lord. Then How does God treat man? God’s words say: “I often say that God looks within people’s hearts, and people look at people’s exteriors. Because God looks within people’s hearts, He understands their substance, whereas people define other people’s substance based on their exterior.” “What does God look at in a person? God looks at a person’s heart. All of a person’s behavior is controlled by his heart. If your heart is honest, then you have good humanity and can gradually understand truth, and when you understand a certain amount of truth you can satisfy God’s requirements and be considerate of God’s intention.