Eastern Lightning-Kingdom Praise Musical Drama

Eastern Lightning-Kingdom Praise Musical Drama


Apr 8, 2018

One Will Return From Whence They Came | Posters

Harvest after watching:

Since ancient times until now, no matter whether you're poor or rich, we live in the same rule of life: birth, growth, marriage, old age, and death. Who knows where the rule comes from? Is it really just a rule of nature? Or there is The One Who Holds Sovereignty Over Everything?

truth,believe ,Holy Spirit,worship,testimony

One Will Return From Whence They Came | Posters | The Church of Almighty God

Throughout the ages, all people have followed the same laws of existence; from their first words to when their hair turns grey, they spend their whole lives rushing about, until they finally turn to dust …


Expression of Almighty God

Investigating the Eastern Lightning

Each sect within the religious world believes that their way is the true way, so how does one distinguish the true way from false ways?

Only God’s Judgment and Chastisement in the Last Days Is His Critical, Decisive Work for Saving Mankind